Christina Hall Suffers From Lead And Mercury Poisoning, Most Likely From Refurbishing Building Career

Last Thursday, Christina Hall announced via her Instagram Stories that she is facing a medical condition—lead and mercury poisoning. And the 39-year-old has a hunch that her current health predicament is most likely caused by her work refurbishing disgusting buildings and not-so-conducive properties.
The reality star has made a career out of home improvements. She and her first husband, Tarek El Moussa, had a show entitled Flip Or Flop, where they showed the renovation process. Even after their divorce, the two continued to work together on their TV show.
A week ago, Christina shared that she had been experiencing unexplained health issues for the last few years and thought these health scares were related to her breast implant. But then she got herself assessed through quantum biofeedback, and the result showed that she was suffering from lead and mercury poisoning.
She further shared on her Instagram Stories that the medical problem was most likely caused by the disgusting houses she had been in for her Flip Or Flop show. She added that the medical team also found out that she had some bacteria overgrowth on her small intestines.
Christina already has a plan in place to lessen and eventually cure her condition, which should assuage the fears of her supporters. She explained that she would first go through a complete detox using IVs and herbs before determining whether she needed to work on her implants further.
Recall that a few months back, Christina shared that she had to have her fillers removed because of the adverse reaction that it caused her. This was way back in April, and the fillers were under her eyes. Her eyes became swollen even after giving the inflammation some time to recover.
Christina then posted a photo of her less-than-flattering self and warned her more than a million-and-a-half-followers that her photo was frightening. After getting the fillers out, she posted another update by uploading a selfie with her deflated cheeks, although still red, looking much better.
She also included the caption, “After dissolving with hyaluronidase and ultrasound frequency treatments to remove all the filler. Never again.”
April was definitely a busy month for the American real estate investor because news came out that she married for the third time during the first month of the second quarter. She is now married to husband number three, a fellow realtor, Joshua Hall.
Christina has three children. She is co-parenting her two older kids, Taylor, who is 12, and Brayden, who is 7, with Tarek El Moussa. Her third child is with Ant Anstead, a British TV presenter who is currently in a relationship with Renée Zellweger. They have a three-year-old son named Hudson.
Christina and husband #2, Ant, were married in December 2018. The nuptials were at their home in Newport Beach, but the marriage didn’t work, and they called it quits after two years, announcing their separation in September 2020.
Her second divorce with Ant ended with a raging custody battle for Hudson. Ant asked for an emergency order earlier this year to be granted sole custody of the little boy, with Christina being permitted to visit their son every other weekend.
According to rumors, Ant turned to emergency custody because Christina was a dangerous mother. It was reported that for the entire month, Christina only spent nine full days with their child, and when she did, it was always to parade the child on her social media account.
Ant’s request was denied; until now, both parents have joint physical custody of their child.