Kourtney Kardashian Shares Nine-Minute Workout

Who would have thought that you could get a full-body workout in just nine minutes? Kourtney Kardashian is claiming that it is possible – and she has a nine-minute workout herself! According to her, the workout routine is a “super effective” one that comes with many great benefits.
Kourtney Kardashian is no stranger to staying fit and looking good. The 38-year-old mother of three has been photographed numerous times flaunting her enviable figure in a bikini. And while she definitely puts in the work to maintain her physique, she recently revealed that her go-to workout routine only takes nine minutes.
Along with certified personal trainer Lindsey Harrod, the 43-year-old created a nine-minute workout routine that she says can be done anywhere, anytime. In a video posted to her POOSH website, the reality star walks viewers through the moves.
“The workout is a bodyweight nine-minute non-stop core workout that can be done anytime, anywhere and is guaranteed to light your core up,” Lindsey said.
“We tapped pro-athlete and trainer Lindsey Harrod to share a super effective quickie workout you can do from anywhere, so you can easily keep the blood flowin’ and the abs poppin’ even from your parents’ house. Or cabin in the woods. Or grandma’s basement. Or Hawaii … wherever your holiday travels take you!” the website read.
The routine includes different exercises that you can do with only a workout mat. One of the steps requires a person to bend their elbow to meet their knee and straighten their leg before switching sides.
“Reach your arms and legs long to stretch. Then, reach up and bring one knee into tabletop position, clasping your hand behind each knee before alternating sides,” the website instructed. “Then, bring both knees in, clasping your hands behind them,” the website teaches, adding, “Immediately come into a high plank. Bring your right knee to your right elbow, stretch it out long behind you (don’t let your foot touch the floor!) and bring your knee to the center.”
“Stretch it out long once more, and bring it to your left elbow across the body. Set the foot down, and alternate sides,” the lesson added.
“Pull your hips back, and sink into a child’s pose for a quick recovery before completing three more rounds to complete your 9-minute, quickie burner.” it concluded.
The TV personality recommended that each step be done for 60 minutes.