Model Cara Delevingne Admits Checking Into Rehab After A Life-Changing Reality Check

Cara Delevingne revealed that she had to check herself into rehab after seeing heartbreaking photos of herself last year. The shocking and pitiful images were a wake-up call for the troubled model.
The 30-year-old model reflected on the mental health challenges and addiction struggle that she experienced. All these took a toll on her, which explains the numerous public appearances of her being worse for wear.
Last April, Cara was Vogue magazine’s cover star, and it was during her interview she shared that she wasn’t ready to face and fight her demons until she met her darkest days.
Cara shared that she had received interventions but needed to prepare, which was the biggest challenge. Further into the interview, the model-turned-actress revealed that she had not seen a therapist for over three years, and because of what she was going through, she pushed everyone away, even the people trying to reach out to help her. This reality helped her realize how deeply she was entangled in her personal struggle.
Recall that last September, images of Cara, where she looked anxious and jittery outside Van Nuys airport, were splashed around and re-shared on social media. In the photos, the usually glamorous and fashionable model was seen without shoes and only wore dirty socks.
These pictures were a cause of concern for family, friends, and fans, who were left wondering about her physical and mental health. Cara was seen smoking and looked sunken and tired, with dark circles around her eyes.
It was also reported that the model, at some point while being captured, had issues controlling her body movements, especially when she was talking to someone on her phone.
The story that went with the photos was that the model was two hours late for her flight, and then she was seen wandering around, looking strung out and unable to stop her constant movements.
Getting back on track, Cara mentioned that the constant support and her family and friends’ not getting tired of contacting her and visiting her made her realize how much she is loved and that it was time to get her life on track.
The Only Murders in the Building actress came to a massive realization and leaped to acknowledge that she was not OK. And as heartbreaking as it was for her to admit it, she was no longer having fun and didn’t look well. Cara finally realized that she needed help.
The model shared her realization, “You know, sometimes you need a reality check, so in a way, those pictures were something to be grateful for.”
Cara confessed that previously, she had many relationships that were just shallow, primarily because she held back on her feelings because she didn’t want the people around her to be burdened by her emotions. She also harbored a fear of abandonment, which caused her not to invest emotionally in her relationships.
With newfound freedom and personal experience, Cara is set to take things slow and get better daily, with motherhood as one of her focuses. Reportedly, the model plans to freeze her eggs because she’s always wanted to become a mother.