Zoe Kravitz Admits She Is Impulsive On Social Media And Trying To Live Fearlessly

There is a vulnerable side to everyone, and embracing it takes courage.
As she looked back on her life, Zoe Kravitz recently revealed some of her innermost thoughts.
Gracing the cover of Elle‘s Women, the actress reflected on her trying to “live life without fear” despite her seemingly brave revelations on social media.
She admitted that, like most other social media users, she is somewhat impulsive with her posts.
The daughter of rock legend Lenny Kravitz also contemplated how acting without thinking can sometimes be good. However, it is equally important to give one’s opinions some thought before expressing them in public.
Most people find that after a few minutes of reflection—especially if they let their emotions settle—they’ll have a more rational perspective.
Zoe further speculated how social media is a massive experiment in which everyone participates. It has its pros and cons, and she stated that while it helped her career in some ways, it also hurt it in some.
Public personalities like herself admitted that being on social media is twice as tricky since they tend to divulge more personal information and because people expect this to be the norm. It becomes challenging to hold back while being “social.”
Zoe, who is dating Magic Mike actor Channing Tatum, stated that growing up, actors and their projects were more enjoyable when you knew nothing about them. There was a certain level of mystery and curiosity.
Today, the public automatically expects actors and actresses to share everything about their personal lives, activities, and even the food they eat—which is too much. It’s entirely unreasonable to expect celebrities to handle their emotions immediately. After all, they, too, have these “I don’t know how” moments.
Zoe further shared that there are times when she and fellow actors are home crying and talking to friends—a hint that despite their celebrity status, they are not exempt from the drama and challenges of life.
The actress tries to keep her personal life, including her relationships, private.
The singer and model further shared that part of her personal life and career goal is to live without fear. The feeling of being scared is crippling and can be dangerous. She said that fear builds up a disease or a sickness. All you think about are negative thoughts—not being able to do this or that, doing something incorrectly, not being liked, or being accepted.
According to Zoe, women, in particular, have to deal with the pressure to be cherished, which is not art. And as an advocate of social and gender equity, Zoe stated that no one should settle for anything less than “actual conversations,” and this is not possible when people are afraid.
Zoe is convinced that today’s society is so fearful of saying the wrong things, asking inappropriate questions, or getting into trouble, and this never-ending cycle needs to stop.