Oasis Frontman Noel Gallagher Called Out For Insensitive Comments About Disabled Concertgoers

“Noel may belittle the experience of disabled music fans. But for many, the reality of attending live music festivals can be stressful and upsetting,” writes Scope, a UK-based Charity for the disabled community.
Scope’s statement comes after Oasis front man Noel Gallagher made some unsavory remarks about disabled concert attendees.
Noel appeared as a guest on The Matt Morgan Podcast recently where his opinions about the disabled spaces at concerts were revealed. “We couldn’t get to the bit on stage because we were f****** wasted,” so showed his pass and said “this lot are with me, and we walked on to this platform – unbeknownst to us it was the disabled platform. I gotta say, those disabled cats have a great view of everything.” He has also expressed before that he didn’t “realize the purpose” of a disabled section.
Noel also mentioned that he would like to have a disabled pass for concerts because it can let him enter anywhere. He went on to say that he would tip a disabled fan out of their wheelchair so that his son could get a better view of the performance. He patronizingly joked about how he could tap a disabled fan on their forehead and say, “Rise, you can walk.”
Even more shocking was Noel’s revelation that he watched the Glastonbury concert from the tent for disabled people. While staying at the Worthy Farm, Noel and his friends had been too inebriated to enter the concert grounds via regular access.
After these insensitive comments came to light, Scope released a statement calling Noel out on his callousness. They posted on Twitter, “Reports of Noel Gallagher’s behavior at Glastonbury were upsetting enough. But to hear him boast about his actions, and openly mock disabled people in the process is beyond insulting.”
“Accessible platforms at events aren’t for privileged rock stars and their friends. They exist so that disabled people can enjoy live music with fewer barriers,” Scope concluded.
Liam Gallagher, his brother and former Oasis bandmate, also publicly slammed Gallagher for his offensive remarks on Instagram. The caption read, “I’d like to apologize on behalf of my family about the little fellas recent remarks about people with disabilities SORRY were not all c–s LG x.” The brothers are known to share a strained relationship even before the insensitive remarks were made.
Previously, Noel and Liam were core members of Oasis, a rock Britpop band that eventually broke up in 2009. The brothers reportedly had a backstage fight at a music festival in France that led to the band being dissolved and the two having little to no contact with each other.
Disabled fans across the globe understandably felt alienated by Noel’s statements. His comments sparked outrage among disabled netizens and caused many die-hard Oasis fans to feel disappointed in him. Gallagher was called “vile” and “beyond cheap” by Twitter users.
In the past, Noel has received much criticism for his scathing and thoughtless remarks. Just a few months back, he was likewise reprimanded on social media for insulting football player Stefan Savic. His Twitter post read: “Stefan Savic, this is a threat. If I come across you, you goofy-looking c*nt, you’re dead MCFC.”