Rebecca Ferguson’s Daughter Took Skull From Mom’s Movie Set To Show And Tell, School Declines

Rebecca Ferguson’s daughter certainly knows how to keep things interesting at school and at home. During a visit to Late Night with Seth Meyers, the Dune actress shared a story about her daughter’s unique choice for show and tell — a human skull!
Rebecca, 41, explained how she’d brought the skull home from the set of Hercules, the film where she starred alongside Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. “Hercules. Yeah. And there are skulls in the film. So I stole a skull. And I still have it at home, and I gave it to my daughter to take in for show and tell,” the actress recalled.
Though Rebecca thought it would be a fun item to share, the school apparently didn’t agree. “And they sent it right back home,” she added. According to her, the school asked, “Could you send something else?”
Even host Seth Meyers seemed shocked. “You gave a skull to a 6-year-old?” he asked, to which Rebecca replied, “Yeah! But it opens! It’s amazing.” Meyers jokingly responded, “Oh, so then it’s appropriate. I didn’t know it opened!”
Rebecca has a track record of hilarious family stories. Back in March, she told U105 Radio in Ireland about a funny moment her daughter had in a shop around Valentine’s Day. While out shopping with Rebecca’s husband, Rory, their daughter came across a Valentine’s card with Timothée Chalamet on it and thought it looked like her dad.
“She goes up to a card and she goes, ‘This is perfect for mummy.’ It’s a picture of Timothée [Chalamet], who she thought was her dad because it looks like my husband,” Rebecca said, recalling the card’s message, which read, “Will you Wonka my Willy?”
Of course, Rebecca’s daughter didn’t get the adult joke. She simply thought it was an adorable nod to Willy Wonka. “She’s so excited, calling him ‘Willy Dad!’” Rebecca laughed, clearly amused by her daughter’s innocent misinterpretation.