Celine Dion Fans Protest Her Shocking Absence In Rolling Stone’s List Of Greatest Singers

Last Friday, an angry group of Celine Dion fans protested outside Rolling Stone’s offices to express their disappointment over the celebrity vocalist’s exclusion from the publishing company’s recent list of “The 200 Greatest Singers of All Time.”
The group, known as the “Red Heads,” sang the superstar’s songs and shouted slogans like “Rolling Stone is stoned” and “How can you forget Celine?” as they brandished picket signs demanding justice for Celine.
Speaking to Variety, Read Head’s founder Line Basbous said, “The list is completely illegitimate.”
Basbous revealed that most of them came all the way from Canada to make themselves heard in Celine’s name.
“We wanted to support her and make sure that Rolling Stone hears the voice of the fans. The list is ridiculous. No Madonna, no Celine. They’re clearly focused on American singers and we don’t understand.”
Confronting Ilana Woldenberg, Rolling Stone’s video producer, Basbous claimed that forgetting Dion was a “big mistake”.
The group had recorded their protest and posted the video on their Instagram account @celinedionaddicts_official. Also included in their videos is Julie Snyder, a French-Canadian broadcaster who attempted to interview Rolling Stone reporters for her TV show.
Synder reminded Rolling Stone that Dion had won several awards, including the American Music Awards, Grammy, and Oscar. She also mentioned that Dion gave spectacular performances in important events like the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 and the Tribute to September 11 Heroes.
She playfully said the Rolling Stones must be stoned because they forgot her.
In response, Woldenberg asked Synder why she chose to protest on January 6. A different protest was being held nearby, which meant that protesting the issue of Dion might divide people’s attention. The other protest being referred to involved protesters calling on Attorney General Merrick Garland to prosecute those responsible for the January 6 insurrection.
Snyder didn’t provide a direct answer. Instead, she replied that she knew the other protest was important, but she believed they could also protest. She further stated that “songs can help people get better.”
When asked what they wanted to accomplish, Synder expressed that Rolling Stone must apologize and admit they were wrong.
One protester even stormed the building and demanded to see Noah Shachtman, Rolling Stone’s Editor-in-Chief. He attempted to hand him a DVD containing Celine Dion’s most significant performances.
These protesters were not the only people fuming over Rolling Stone’s list, of course.
Songwriter Dianne Warren also chimed in via Twitter, saying, “One more reason these stupid ass lists don’t mean shit. Really??? A list of greatest singers @RollingStone and #CelineDion isn’t on it??”
Upon hearing the news that Dion was not mentioned in Rolling Stone’s list, Deborah Roberts, an ABC News journalist, expressed her shock on her Twitter.
The surprising news arrived following Dion’s recent diagnosis. Dion has been suffering from a health condition involving spasms that greatly impacted her daily living. Her illness caused her to lose control of her vocal cords, so she had to delay her tour.
Dion reassured her fans that, despite her challenges, she has an excellent medical team looking after her, and she hopes to recover soon.