Kevin And Frankie Jonas Spill Secrets About The Jonas Family

The Jonas brothers have recently teamed up to host the ABC show Claim To Fame. But not the ones you’d think! Frankie Jonas, the 21-year-old musician and youngest in the Jonas family clan, is all set to star in the ABC show with his big bro Kevin Jonas.
The duo featured on E! New’s Nightly Pop to talk about their experiences being co-hosts on a reality TV show and to spill some family secrets.
The premise of Claim to Fame is simple — 12 people who are related to celebrities appear as contestants. The catch? No one knows which celebrity they’re actually related to!
“We did our best not to look anybody up. It was really hard to do that,” confessed Kevin to E!
It’s ironic that Frankie Jonas is a co-host on this show since he is a Jonas brother but isn’t part of “The Jonas Brothers.” Most people don’t even know that the trio has a younger fourth sibling! Frankie is honest when asked if he ever experienced FOMO about not being part of the band.
“A little, but I didn’t really want to be in the band. That was never really my goal,” Frankie explained. “I just liked to be along for the ride, I got a really unique childhood. I got to see a lot of the world and I got to spend all my childhood with my family.”
“I support my brothers and I’m probably their biggest fan,” he continued. “I mean, I don’t think there’s another person who has been to more concerts than me. My status is always going to be number one fan club member.”
The revelations don’t stop there. In an E! News segment “Jonas, You Hardly Know Us!”, the two brothers were put to the test, answering rapid-fire-style questions about the family.
If you were ever curious about which Jonas brother is the best to go out drinking with, it’s Joe!
“Joe’s the party guy, Joe’s the nightclub boy. When I was younger I went to Coachella with Joe,” admits Frankie, who is now finally of legal drinking age.
As for who is the worst with PDA — all fingers are pointed at Kevin. “I think me and Danielle, actually. We’re always very connected and affectionate,” Kevin sweetly added.
Frankie might not be married or part of the band, but he sure is the best uncle out there. His big brother Kevin attests to this. “There’s really no competition,” Frankie said cheekily. “It’s my only job. I don’t have to do the dad part. I only get to be the uncle, so I use that to my advantage.”
We also found out that Kevin is the worst brother when it comes to gift giving. “Kevin used to just go to Brookstone and then find the most technological thing,” joked Frankie. Well, that is a lot of information to get on the Jonas brothers in such a short time!
Catch Claim to Fame every Monday at 10 pm on ABC.